The league has reported three straight weeks without a positive COVID-19 test, and the quality of basketball has largely been top notch
The new taboo: how ‘The flattering’ became fashion’s ultimate OG
A woman on her “flattering” dress is passive-aggressive body-policing, sneaked into our consciousness in a Trojan horse of sisterly helpfulness.
Will The Covid-19 Fix Fashion’s Plus-Size Problem — Or Make It Worse?
While the financial fallout that’s resulted from the pandemic has been damaging, it has also forced a lot of individuals and companies to pause, take a look in the mirror, and re-examine their priorities.
Summer fashion trends: CropTop pants, overtake by Surprise
Focuser is the housing that keeps the eyepiece of the telescope, or what you will look through, in place. It has to be stable and you can rely on.
Teens use apps to keep secrets?
Cras accumsan elit augue, sit amet vestibulum turpis fringilla nec. Etiam eu dictum tortor. Sed feugiat lacus non ultricies pulvinar. Nam ac mauris ut nisi…
Fastest plane in the world
Donec mattis aliquet justo ac commodo. Donec quis viverra leo. Donec sed condimentum orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus…
Wireless Headphones are now on Market
Nam sed mi fermentum, laoreet erat sed, volutpat ante. Phasellus eget placerat urna. In ullamcorper sem id tellus tristique dignissim. Aliquam et facilisis leo. Nulla…
Music is Passion
Vivamus vitae ante blandit, euismod nibh at, consectetur purus. Phasellus tincidunt pulvinar suscipit. Fusce venenatis mauris sem, nec commodo nibh tristique suscipit. Praesent tellus tellus,…
Women’s Relay Competition
The young team of Franziska Hildebrand, Franziska Preuss, Vanessa Hinz and Dahlmeier clocked 1 hour, 11 minutes, 54.6 seconds to beat France
Smith Handed His Place in History
Ut dictum ligula nisi, at mollis mi sagittis eu. Fusce vitae turpis placerat magna pellentesque pharetra vel et enim. Phasellus aliquam id metus a luctus.…